How to Join
Residents of Perry Township must provide identification with a their full name and local address, such as a:
Driver’s License
Hydro or Telephone Bill
Property Tax Bill
Non-residents will be charged a yearly fee of $10.00 for an individual, or $15.00 per family.
Loan Regulations
Maximum 3 New Books for 14 days (no renewal)
Books and Kobos are on loan for a 3 week period
Video Games are on loan for a 2 week period
DVDs, Launchpads are on loan for a 1 week period

Now Fine Free
You will no longer be charged a daily late fee.
You are still responsible for returning your materials.
You may renew your books up to 3 times (with a few exceptions e.g. new books).
Once items are overdue by 3 weeks, you will be billed the replacement cost + processing fee.
Return items before 60 days overdue and get a refund (less the processing fee).
The Circulation Policy is available upon request.
Unreturned, Lost or Damaged Materials
In the instance that a member may not return, lose or damage a library item, the library member will be charged the replacement cost of the item, plus a $4.00 processing fee.
Special Items require a signed borrowing agreement.